how to get rid of these problems?Swelling and fluid retention:


Swelling and fluid retention: how to get rid of these problems?

Swelling and fluid retention are complaints we get a lot from patients who come into the Spa Tour Life. These problems are not always accompanied by famous food intolerances and allergies, although they may be indicative of them.

If these symptoms are nothing new, a lot is due to bad eating and living habits. In particular, industrialized foods, rich in sodium, contribute to the formation of accumulated layers of liquid in the body.

So, there are those who, when looking in the mirror, believe they have fat, but in fact the problem is swelling and fluid retention. There are cases where swollen limbs actually hurt. Usually legs, arms and feet.

If you want to get rid of bloating and fluid retention, read this article to the end.

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Practical tips to get rid of bloating and fluid retention

There is no other way to a healthier body than changing lifestyle habits. The good news is that you can do it little by little, according to your possibilities. I'm going to list some attitudes for you to evolve your health today.

Drink more water

Drinking the amount of water according to your body's need is essential. In addition to hydrating, it helps produce urine, which removes excess fluid from the body.

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Chew your food well

When you eat slowly, it helps your body's digestive process, controls the intake of air and achieves the feeling of satiety faster. Here, it is still worth the tip to stay away from industrialized foods rich in salt.

Do physical exercises

A routine of physical activities helps in blood circulation. The more the organs and tissues are irrigated by blood, the less fluid accumulates. It also helps to remove excesses through urine.

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Test with food

If you suspect a particular food is causing you to bloat and retain fluid, try cutting it out of your routine for a week. If you don't have this food, try eating gluten-free for a week. It can also be lactose free.

Over the days, observe how you feel and how your body reacts. You may have a food allergy that causes bloating and fluid retention. See a doctor for a diagnosis.

I hope I have clarified your doubts about swelling and fluid retention.

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