Have you ever felt that your body lacks a nutrient?
You don't have to be a doctor to notice that something isn't right with your body! Self-knowledge is everything in this regard.
Imagine your car. You need it to get to your daily appointments. When something is wrong with it, whether it's a different noise or even clutch handling, you know it!
Ignoring a problem with your car can cost you your life. And the same goes for your body. You have a perfect machine to run your existence in this world for many years to come. It's worth taking care of yourself!
By the end of this article, you will understand how to know if a nutrient is lacking in the body.
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Signals that should not be silenced
Leaving aside some signals that the body gives is like sweeping dirt under the rug. Even if you don't see it every day, it's still there attracting unwanted insects.
What is it like to sweep the dirt under the rug in our bodies? When you take a pain reliever to relieve any symptoms, you turn off an important alarm that your body is not doing well.
Taking painkillers relieves you of pain momentarily. That which causes the pain continues in action. And guess what: when the drug wears off, the pain returns. With a burden that no one wants, which are the side effects of using this medicine.
Don't do this to yourself.
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What if a nutrient is missing?
As time passes and we hear that it is common to go through pain and illness, we leave some signs aside. Hair loss, something that seems common, can mean a lack of biotin or bio-soluble vitamins A, B, D, E, and K.
Sudden tingling of hands and feet also represents imbalance. They are usually related to a lack of vitamins B6 and B12.
The appearance of red balls scattered throughout the body can be a reflection of the lack of vitamins A and D.
Even headaches can be related to troubled intestinal transit. The presence of more and more endocrine disruptors in our diet is not necessarily due to a lack of nutrients, but to the excess of pollutants, we come into contact with.
Still, it's important to pay attention to the small signals the body gives.
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How to listen to the body?
If you lose connection with your own physiology, the body can scream too loudly and you won't hear. You will only pay attention when a really serious illness threatens you. But, you don't have to get to that point.
Reestablishing your relationship with your own body is essential to immediately understand that something is not going well.
I hope this article will help you to know more about yourself to find out if your body is lacking a nutrient.
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