Did you know the need to drink water to boost the brain?
Here on this blog, we usually talk a lot about the importance of good nutrition in favor of a healthier life.
And that includes your brain. Drinking water ensures greater capacity for concentration and memory.
If you take good care of your nutrition in order to ensure health, your brain benefits equally from this decision.
Drinking water is a simple and inexpensive habit. However, most people leave aside this vital need for the body throughout their daily lives.
Today, I'm going to talk to you about your memory. Stay here to learn how drinking water to boost your brain works.
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Drink water to be able to remember
Your diet can be quite balanced. Still, if you don't consume the necessary amount of water, your brain doesn't reach peak performance.
Of course, water alone cannot restore memories.
However, I repeat: without enough water, nothing you do to make your brain work well is effective.
Read more: Drinking water to boost the brain
A study carried out by the University of East London and the University of Westminster proved, in 2017, that increasing the daily water intake by 300ml improved the memory and concentration of the participants in the experiment by 25%.
In addition, it also improved the mood of adults by 20%.
Also read Food and memory: what you eat impacts your memories.
Read more: How to LOSE WEIGHT.
But what if I already drink water?
According to the World Health Organization - WHO, an adult man weighing 60 kg must drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day. Do you drink the necessary amount?
I'm going to share here a study of Kuopio Ischemic Heart Disease (KIHD), which followed 2300 healthy men for 20 years. Among these, a group that used the sauna 4 to 7 times a week, had 66% less chance of dementia.
Remember that the sauna uses the power of water and heat as its main therapies, as I explained here in this article.
In addition, these men were also 65% less likely to develop Alzheimer's. If you choose the sauna to supplement your water levels, I recommend that you do it with medical and nutritional monitoring.
Constant use of the sauna may make it necessary to supplement magnesium, which is lost in situations of extreme sweating. Not just in the sauna, but in the practice of physical exercise.
I hope this content helps you understand the importance of drinking water for brainpower.
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