High blood pressure: the biggest danger is lack of information.

High blood pressure: the biggest danger is lack of information.

Dizziness, shortness of breath, headache: you've probably heard someone link these symptoms to high blood pressure. Yes, they may have some connection with the board. But the fact is that most of the time, a person suffering from high blood pressure does not have symptoms of heart disease or other signs that indicate the problem. And therein lies the great danger of this disease. If left unchecked, it can reduce life expectancy. 

Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure affects 30% of the adult population in Brazil.  In the age group over 60 years, this rate exceeds 50%. Most of these people, however, are unaware of their condition or, due to the asymptomatic nature of the disorder, simply do not follow a treatment to control it. According to the Ministry of Health, since 2013, episodes of heart attack among adults up to 30 years of age have risen by 13%.  Sudden stress, which is considered to be the cause of about 15% of cases of infarction, as it causes the closure of a coronary artery, also does not “choose” age.

Another number that shows that the threat of a heart attack starts much earlier than one imagines is that of patients with high blood pressure. In the country, there are 36 million Brazilian adults diagnosed with arterial hypertension, according to the Society of Cardiology of the State of São Paulo. The picture is an alert for the development of heart problems. This and other serious consequences of high blood pressure can be avoided with two simple measures: information and appropriate treatment. Below, you will find the answers to some of the main questions on the subject.

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What is hypertension?

Arterial hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a highly prevalent disease, being an important risk factor for the development of other cardiovascular diseases. Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood, pumped by the heart, into the blood vessels. When the arteries offer some type of resistance to the passage of blood, this force is increased, characterizing a picture of high blood pressure.

How do I find out if I'm hypertensive?

Hypertension is a silent disease and usually has no symptoms. To discover its existence, it is necessary to take a blood pressure measurement. Measuring devices record the maximum pressure (systolic), when the heart contracts, and the minimum pressure (diastolic), when the organ dilates, in millimeters of mercury. The pressure considered optimal is 120/80mmHg (millimeters of mercury), or simply 12/8. A person who systematically presents a pressure equal to or greater than 140/90mmHg, or 14/9, is considered hypertensive.

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What are the risks of high blood pressure?

When blood circulates at high pressure, it damages the walls of blood vessels, which become hardened and narrower. Over time, if the problem is not controlled, the vessels can clog and even rupture, which can cause a heart attack, heart failure, and angina (chest pain). If the affected vessel is located in the brain, the consequence is a stroke. Hypertension can also cause kidney failure or kidney failure, and vision disorders, which can lead to blindness.

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What causes hypertension?

Several causes can be associated with hypertension. The hereditary factor is one of them, as well as ethnicity – studies show that blacks are more likely to have high blood pressure. Obesity and aging also increase the incidence of the disease. In addition, there are external factors that increase the risks, such as a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, smoking, and excessive consumption of salt and alcohol. Stress is another factor that influences the occurrence of high blood pressure.

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What is the treatment for high blood pressure?

Although there is no cure most of the time, hypertension can be controlled with medication and the adoption of healthy habits. In most cases, a change in lifestyle is enough to deal with the problem. Here are some measures you can take to keep the pressure under control:

*Measure pressure regularly.

*Keep a healthy diet. Opt for boiled, baked, grilled, or sautéed foods. Prefer fruits, vegetables, legumes, and skimmed dairy products. Avoid the consumption of sugar, fat, sausages, and processed, fried, industrialized and canned foods.

*Reduce your salt consumption. The maximum amount should be 1 teaspoon per day. Do not add salt to the food after it is ready and, to avoid temptations, do not leave the salt shaker on the table.

*Practice physical activities. Walk more and take simple measures, like switching from the elevator to the stairs.

*Reduce your alcohol consumption.

*Do not smoke.

*If you use medication, follow the doctor's prescription and do not abandon treatment.

*Finally, try to manage your stress. A calmer attitude towards problems will help you to have a healthier, longer, and happier life.

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