How a sense of purpose can help your health

From heart health to mental health to better sleep, see how having a sense of purpose can improve your well-being.

How a sense of purpose can help your health

You know that eating well and exercising have health benefits. These are factors you can measure: you can log your calories in a food diary and track your steps in a fitness app. But in our fast-paced, high-pressure world, it's easy to lose sight of the third factor in living a healthy life: a sense of purpose.

The purpose is a difficult factor to measure, and it's different for everyone. Finding yours can be a long journey of self-reflection and full of challenges. But discovering that purpose is a key aspect of achieving overall well-being.

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Health Benefits

Having a sense of purpose helps give your life meaning. It helps you determine your values, set goals, and face challenges. Having a sense of purpose can improve your heart health and lower your risk of stroke and heart attack.

A meta-analysis of psychosomatic medicine shows a connection between a strong life purpose and a lower risk of cardiovascular events and death. Research corroborated these findings and also found that young people who had a greater sense of purpose were less likely to be depressed than peers who were not working toward a greater goal.

If you're looking to get more sleep, finding something you're passionate about might even improve your sleep. A study in Sleep Science and Practice reveals that finding meaning appears to improve sleep and decrease the chance of developing sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome. 

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Tips for Finding Your Purpose

Finding your life's purpose means you'll live happier and healthier, but you'll need to work a little. Positioning yourself in the world is a great way to start.

Trying a new activity, like signing up for a pottery class, striking up a conversation with strangers in a cafe can be inspiring. You can also go back to school, volunteer at an animal shelter, or join a social or professional group to connect with like-minded people. Ultimately, discovering a purpose in life can improve your well-being.

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