8 best teas to lose weight and lose belly

8 best teas to lose weight and lose belly

There are some teas, such as ginger, hibiscus, or turmeric, that help eliminate excess fluid from the body, control hunger, and increase metabolism, for example, favoring weight loss and helping to lose belly.

Another good strategy to help with weight loss is to add thermogenic foods, such as cinnamon or cayenne pepper, to the diet, because they contain cinnamaldehyde and capsaicin, compounds that help speed up metabolism, favoring the burning of accumulated fat in the body. 

However, it is essential to use these teas associated with a balanced diet and the practice of regular physical exercise, as these drinks are only an aid to obtain results faster. In addition, it is important that teas are used in moderation and under the guidance of a doctor or other health professional with experience in the use of medicinal plants, so that the appropriate type and amount of tea are recommended, thus preventing the occurrence of complications.

1. Ginger tea with pineapple

Ginger tea with pineapple is great for people who want to lose weight, as it helps to speed up metabolism, stimulates energy expenditure, as well as promoting satiety, and contributes to the proper functioning of the intestine, as it is rich in fiber.


Peel of ½ pineapple;

Peel of 1 orange;

1 tablespoon of carqueja;

1 tablespoon of powdered ginger;

1 liter of water.

Method of preparation:

In a kettle or pan, add water, the pineapple, orange peel, and the tablespoon of ginger, then bring to a boil for 5 to 10 minutes. After boiling, turn off the heat and add the carqueja. Cover, let stand for 5 minutes, strain, and drink. This tea should be drunk throughout the day, between meals.

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2. Green tea with blackberry

Green tea with blackberry contains diuretic and thermogenic properties, helping to deflate the belly and accelerate metabolism, facilitating calorie burning and promoting weight loss.


1 teaspoon of dried blackberry leaves;

1 teaspoon of green tea;

150 of boiling water.

Method of preparation:

Place the dried blackberry and green tea leaves in a teacup and add 150 ml of boiling water. Cover, let stand for 10 minutes, and strain before drinking.

This tea can be drunk before main meals, such as lunch and dinner, for 2 to 3 weeks. 

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3. Hibiscus tea with cinnamon

Hibiscus tea with cinnamon is good to help you lose weight because it reduces fluid retention and promotes increased metabolism, deflating the belly and favoring fat burning. In addition, this tea also helps with digestion.


3 tablespoons of dried hibiscus flowers;

1 cinnamon stick;

1/2 liter of boiling water.

Method of preparation:

Add the dried hibiscus leaves and the cinnamon stick to the boiling water, cover, and let it rest for 10 minutes. Strain and drink 3 to 4 times a day, half an hour before main meals.

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4. Mate tea with lemon

Mate tea with lemon increases the feeling of satiety and facilitates weight loss because it accelerates metabolism and fat burning. In addition, this tea also has a diuretic action, helping to reduce swelling.


1 tablespoon of roasted mate tea leaves;

juice of ½ lemon;

150 ml of boiling water.

Method of preparation:

In a cup of tea, put the leaves of the mate tea and the boiling water. Cover and let rest for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain, add lemon juice, and drink.

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5. Fenugreek and artichoke tea

Fenugreek and artichoke tea helps to lose weight because it increases the feeling of satiety. Another benefit of this tea is related to the fact that it increases metabolism, helps to burn fat and the diuretic action that reduces fluid retention.


1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds;

1 teaspoon of dried artichoke leaves;

150 ml of boiling water.

Method of preparation:

In a cup of tea, put the water, the fenugreek seeds, and the dried artichoke leaves. Cover and let stand for 10 minutes and strain. This tea should be ingested 3 times a day, between meals.

6. Turmeric tea with lemon

Turmeric has an active compound called curcumin, which is related to weight loss, because it accelerates metabolism, increases energy expenditure, and burns body fat.

Lemon, on the other hand, helps to clean the taste buds, decreasing the desire to eat sweet foods, in addition to having a diuretic effect, helping to eliminate excess liquid from the body.


1 teaspoon of turmeric powder;

1 spoon of lemon juice;

150 ml of boiling water.

Method of preparation:

Add the turmeric powder to the boiling water and let it rest for about 5 to 10 minutes. Add lemon juice and drink up to 3 cups a day between meals;

7. Black tea with orange and cinnamon

Black tea is rich in flavonoids, compounds with antioxidant properties that favor weight loss and help slim the waist when consumed on a regular basis.


2 tsp dried black tea leaves;

Peels of 1/2 orange;

1 cinnamon stick;

2 cups of boiling water.

Method of preparation:

In a pan, put the cinnamon and leave it on medium heat for about 5 minutes. Add the other ingredients to the boiling water and let it rest for 10 minutes. Strain and drink cold or hot, according to preference, about 1 to 2 cups a day.

8. Oolong tea

Oolong is a traditional Chinese tea that has thermogenic properties, improving fat metabolism and helping with weight loss.


1 teaspoon of oolong;

1 cup of boiling water.

Method of preparation:

Add the oolong to the boiling water and let it rest for about 10 minutes. Then strain and drink 1 cup a day for about 6 weeks, associated with a balanced diet.

Are slimming teas bad for your health?

The use of any type of product or ingredient, whether natural or synthetic, should always be done in moderation, since all substances that are ingested need to be metabolized by the body, which can cause overload if used in an exaggerated or inappropriate way.

Thus, the use of this type of tea should always be done with the guidance of a professional, whether a nutritionist or a doctor, who is used to the use of medicinal plants. This professional must adapt the type of plant, the method of use, and dosages to the characteristics of each person, including their health history.

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