STOP EATING IT! 99% of People Thinks is Medicine, But It Hurts You!
pranic food positive chronic food negative chronic food and zero pranic positive prana food means it adds a certain pranic energy to the system when you consume negative prana takes away zero system energy doesn't even add don't even take it out,
It's eaten as I like it and lethargy there are people who like lethargy that you don't know yes many people are telling me we like to sleep no one can enjoy sleeping if you are enjoying the sleep you are not sleeping can enjoy the rest, you can enjoy the side effect of a good sleep that is different you like rest you can't enjoy the sleep you fix it on your head, yes or no, rest must be necessary for a human being because the rest is the base of all activities if there is not rest on you you can't of dynamic activity yes or no if you are not rested,
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you can be active without the rest is the basis of all activity, the rest is asleep thing is another thing you should differentiate between the two is asleep certain inertia the difference between life and death is that this life is a dynamic process of energy death is an inertia sleep energy state is playing between the two,
the more you practice that you are unknowingly inviting death if you slept eight hours a day you are inviting death twenty years before or thirty years earlier than should have come if you eat positive the food energy of panic will reverberate in a dynamic way if you eat chronic negative food takes our energy and cause certain energy deviations if you eat zero pranic brings lethargy maybe you can eat it to taste some extension,
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but look at this rating what are the foods that fall under this no need to look at the positive because many of them are positive I can't produce the list that we look at the negative chronic list is a too shorter list, but unfortunately, it can be a list of all your favorite things too at the top of the chronic negative list is garlic is a very powerful medicine but one thing is to consume something like medicine and it's a totally different thing to consume it as a daily food substance, there are many many medicinal qualities in Ayurveda and Siddha,
we use garlic in a very powerful way. way to specific diseases, but now its the logic is everyday if i blow anything medicine I can I will be healthy in me instead, we say so each root, each leaf found on this planet has some medicinal quality is just that just a few we learned how to use still others must learn how to use otherwise, each of them has some medicinal quality if we are willing to pay attention and learn how to use them so now if you want to be healthy what you do is anyway,
it's time to fall, they're a lot of leaves continues to eat so much sheet as possible and also pick up some roots and eat it you will be too healthy is not how it works something specific to a specific problem is different just generally consuming medicinal substances is a different game, it's not that garlic is very powerful medicine if used correctly daily consumption no not because it plays in your big nervous system is a very strong nervous stimulant if you use garlic are you nervous the nervous system get very excited about anything that stimulates now a system holds you for some time and then shut daily use of nerve stimulants, either way, will slowly lead you to a place you become insensitive life you can't experience now you are holding the dog like the ideal because he's more sensitive than you,
His nervous system is much more sensitive than you because he can feel things and know things you may not know, this is a superior design that the dog is not an onion with garlic supported by a green oso4 Dida maybe you're not used to it is something very commonly used in Indian cuisine is very strong stimulating coffee tea means caffeine tea is tea other things they are just placebos ok they are not the tea you can boil any flower and it leaves any root and calls t this is not tea means the tea leaf that contains all the caffeine these are nervous stimulants once in a way if you drink they have some benefits.
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but if it becomes a daily thing that slowly numbs your nervous system, your ability to experience life is gone us are looking at this dimension of food mainly in terms of its sensitivity to life, especially people are sensitive to ego they are not life sensitive to country life just for them their thought and emotion is their life because they can't feel like if you walk in the forest you can't feel the tree that's why you call wood you I can't feel the creatures around you simple something is happening, there's a terrible effect on the human system to see that we are also a kind of reverberation must be space to allow our Ribery reverberations to grow and spread now these machines have so powerful reverb constantly raises something is happening and above all we
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I can't hear all this wifi and stuff they are doing their own thing yes in all this there is no room for you to become sensitive to life to sit here and be able to experience the entire universe takes a certain level of sensitivity I'm talking about nervous stimulants in this context you are decreasing the possibility to experience life see, for example, if you just tap this, no everyone will feel just a touch on the just as you know it, it depends on how sensitive is your system if you feel this you can know many things if you go wanting, I'm not a coffee hater, okay,
but what I'm saying is a cup of coffee should not determine the quality of your life by choice you drink today tomorrow you leave, it's okay if you go a compulsion if I don't drink my coffee my day is ruined so you gotta do it something about it, yeah I'm just talking about that, the only parameter is or are you moving towards freedom or are you? being enslaved somehow with a cup of liquid you shouldn't be enslaved yes we just about anything you get confused,
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I'm saying do everything for choose then no problem if you do by choice, you know when to start when to stop, isn't it? compulsion what you get you can't stop, that's the whole problem, isn't it like you become a fanatic I don't I need it I don't need it I eat it I don't need it don't become a food fanatic just eat by choice, every meal must be by choice that you decided that this is what you go eat and that's what you won't eat, don't turn food into religion, that's it's not a choice and the choice should conform to the needs of the body not according to social needs no according to cultural needs according to the needs of this body is not among positive planning foods there are some foods that are very very positive at the top of the list is what is called the ash guard, I think here they call it winter melon, it's not the same power that we find in India,
The Indian ash gourd is phenomenal Asgard is very positive, black pepper is very positive honey is a substance in the planet whose chemical composition is very close to human blood daily honey consumption can be wonderful stuff for you and dear is an extremely good thing to eat, especially if you have children at home are part of the honey culture of your thing psychological stability physical well-being vitality all these things can be greatly improved simply consume honey daily if you have excess fat on your body if you drink honey with hot water that breaks the fat in the system if you drink with cold water will give you weight.
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